by Mrs. Carlene Anderson & 3rd Grade Students (2011-2014), School #12 - Paterson, New Jersey USA

Monday, June 18, 2012

America is...

Throughout the 2011-2012 school year, my students and I had numerous discussions on issues related to traditions, culture, diversity, and discrimination.  Our Points of View lessons culminated with this introspective look at what America means to us.  Digital storytelling is a very effective way of illustrating our ideas and demonstrating that we've mastered lessons intended to stimulate our higher order thinking skills.  
America from Fast Track Video on Vimeo.


  1. That´s a great presentation - We kow the song in Denmark as well. We often use it in our English lessons....
    Very illustrative work!
    From Stefan Nielsen, Denmark

    1. Stefan, you have inspired us to stretch with determination, strive to achieve excellence, and celebrate moments of triumph along the way. We are blessed to be a part of your team! Thank you for your encouragement. It has made a tremendous difference in my life. Cheers!

  2. Dear Mrs. Anderson and Class of 2011 - 2012 ( 4th graders),

    Hi! How are you? I am doing fine. I am glad in the G&T ( Gifted And Talented)! In this school we get to design our own school logo. We also have a after school program called Halls That Inspire, in this program we paint the walls with designs and messages that inspire. This helps us gain community service hours. I am so happy here! I miss my school#12 family. Guess What? I one of the 5th grade teachers , Mrs. Mola knows Ms. Osback and Ms. Seleno! We also have a schedule and have a Public Speaking class. We have 2 periods of Science , 2 periods of Language Arts, Specials , 2 periods of math, and dissmisal at 2:45pm! If you have any way i can contact you and talk besides phone number please tell me! Also, Michelle is not in this academy?

    Yours Sincerely,
    Sandra Navarro

    1. Sandra, I miss you terribly! However, I am confident that you will thrive at your new school. Remember all of the life lessons that we learned together and build upon them. You are an exceptionally driven, hard working, reading rock star! I will listen to hear more awesome things about your new learning experiences.
